Fleur de Lis Illustration
White Tudor Rose Illustration



Shield-breakers Alliance

Oval Brushstroke Doodle

If someone powerful ever asks you to do something you ​think is wrong enough that you want to refuse, this can be ​your corporate “get out of evil act” card. People in other ​professions can post short-term gigs as needed so that no ​one finds themselves in jeopoardy for being “long-term ​unemployed.” Say you got a surprise job offer from some ​fancy corporation called Shangriless and refuse.

whatever your field

Professional Ethics Serve Humanity and Life on Earth

I hope this website will just be a placeholder for establishing strong unions across international borders. Whatever our differences in culture and way of life, we have so much in common.

Ignoring our shared welfare as a species for the sake of profit will doom our planet. We can no longer ignore the needs of our home, our fellow creatures, and the universal soul of humankind.

Cool Corporate Women Professionals in an Office

Founding Principles Of Our New Union

Subject to revision. Please revise these. I am just trying to give people an escape clause for the fact that corporations control our lives.

Respect for Individual Liberty

let us all be free to choose

Balance what you need and want with others’ right to do the same.

Respect for Collective Good

We’re in this together

We are not “us” versus “them”, we’re people who sometimes disagree about things.

As Long As There’s Life, There’s Hope

We can do this

This one, honestly, I don’t always feel emotionally. Fuck it. We try anyway, right?

Founder & CEO

A grad student at Columbia University who ​ha​s worked in the tech industry since 2015.

I have no idea what appropriate ethical codes are for specialized fields ​like law, academia, policework, construction, finance, or politics.

Our guiding principle is that when people have the freedom to choose what’s right without risking their futures, the vast majority of people will look for alternatives to doing something they feel is wrong.

Too many good people I know (including me) have felt stuck in their jobs. So far I’ve been able to bail on jobs where I felt I was going to be asked to do something wrong, but that’s a luxury not everyone has.

We are hiring. ​In theory.

Right now I don’t have any income but I am happy to post links to other ​people’s LinkedIn lists of “small projects in [This Industry].”

P.S.: The hand in the photo is not my husband. I have no spouse or ​partner or kids or younger siblings. That’s my friend Mara from colleg​e wear​ing a ring. Don’t worry! No one can inherit this corporation! It’s mine.